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Press Release

The Rosebud Burlesque Academy in… Full Bloom!
Saskatoon’s Premiere Burlesque Troupe
Saturday June 16th 2007
Cocktails: 7:00pm - Performance: 8:00pm
Refinery Theatre 609 Dufferin Ave. Saskatoon
Call: 653-3549 to reserve tickets
Tickets: $15 Advance $20 At the door

The Rosebud Burlesque Club and Academy was founded in 2007 in Saskatoon Saskatchewan to meet the needs of wayward Canadian prairie girls. It has since established regular classic burlesque classes at Positive Passions and has introduced the fair city to a fair bit of bits! The Academy is directed by Head Mistress Cheripop Purr and has over a dozen graduates so far.

Full Bloom is their first full evening length performance. The company consists of: Head Mistress Cheripop Purr, Mistress of Ceremonies - Helen, Bedde, Candy Apple and Cotton Candy – the Sugar Twins, The sensual KoKo Kobra, Naughty Nurse Hellina Handbasket, the wholesome Rosemary Spice, slinky Mlle Jessi Baker and our sexy maid Kieran. Full Bloom will also feature: Rip the Strong Man, The puppetry of Anita Brassiere and Chesty La Rude, Jasmine and Iris Hilton- Conjoined twins, and the Musical stylings of Mr. Neil Stardust!

Neo/New Burlesque is a revival or updating of the traditional burlesque performance. A new generation, nostalgic for the spectacle and perceived glamour of the old times is determined to bring burlesque back! Today, New Burlesque has taken many forms, but all have the common trait of honoring one or more of burlesque’s previous incarnations, with acts including striptease, expensive costumes, bawdy humor, cabaret and more. As with the earlier burlesque, neo-burlesque is more focused on the "tease" in "striptease" than the "strip."

For more info please contact us at: or by phone at 665-5998.